Sunday, August 1, 2010

A post on friendship day

I had meant to blog so much today, but did not find time. Life is full of surprises. I got many shocks and sweet surprises. One sweet surprise was an old friend with whom i had lost contact for few months. Another surprise was another friend who pinged me for the first time on his own. As for shocks, i seem to get loads of them. I learnt how blind i am, not seeing the obvious. I seem to be the last to know of some things of very obvious nature.

All that was yesterday. Today is a fresh day, friendship day. A wonderful day dedicated to friends. Friends, the word itself brings smile to my face. They are the bestest things that happen to us.

A friend of mine said it must be "I'm still your friend day". I found this very appealing as it is this day friends who had a fall out or lost contact, take time to call up and talk. Whether it is "friendship day" or "i'm still your friend day", it still remains a special day meant for special people in this world.

To all my wonderful friends out there, love you all a lot :) :) :)